Meet Adam T. Funk

Experienced Lawyer
Adam has represented thousands of injured clients in cases involving car crashes, medical malpractice, pharmaceutical litigation, and mass casualty events. He has argued in numerous federal and state courts including the prestigious Judicial Panel of Multidistrict Litigation. His successes as a lawyer are detailed in Our Results.

Driven by Serving Others
Throughout his life, Adam has served others through various community service organizations. Whether it is through his pro bono legal work or simple manual labor, Adam is fulfilled by giving back. His desire to help those less fortunate than he bleeds through to Adam's work as a lawyer helping his injured clients.

In trying times, you need a lawyer unafraid to take on a big defense law firms, insurance companies, or hospital systems. Adam does not fear getting into a long fight. He is prepared and committed from Day 1 to take on the difficult tasks.

Adam’s journey begins well before he was born in Houston, Texas. In fact, it goes back over 150 years when both sides of Adam’s family fled persecution and injustice in Europe. Adam’s paternal grandparents battled the Nazis with strength and bravery. Adam’s great-grandparents fought religious persecution with integrity. Adam’s grandparents fought in several wars, created a young nation, and still raised four children. Strength and perseverance are in Adam’s blood.
Adam’s own parents immigrated to the United States with hopes, dreams, and a mere $500 in their pocket. They worked intensely to provide for their three sons, Adam being the youngest. Their hard work was an example to their sons who went on to become two accomplished trial lawyers and a renown facial plastic surgeon. Adam continued the family tradition and (a) became one of the youngest troop scouts to reach Eagle Scout rank; (b) received the International Bacculareate diploma in high school; (c) graduated from the University of Texas in three years with honors; (d) received the ultra-prestigious Order of the Barristers Award in Law School; and (e) became one of the youngest lawyers appointed to serve on a Multi-District Court Litigation Plaintiff’s Executive Committee. The immigrant's intense work ethic is in Adam’s blood.
Adam is blissfully married to his lovely wife who gifted them with three incredible children. In his spare time, Adam enjoys spending time with his family, kayak fishing, playing basketball, reading non-fiction books, and running.